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Frequently asked questions

Updated : 20/01/2014

  • Q: What is Newmeet?
    A: Newmeet is a site to meet new friends.

  • Q: Is Newmeet really free?
    A: Yes, Newmeet is free. You can buy a pack to get more privileges on the site but to search people, write and read messages the site is entirely free.

  • Q: How to become member of Newmeet?
    A: Go on the first page off New meet and fill the form.

  • Q: How to unsubscribe?
    A: - Dont sign back again and your profile will be automatically deleted after a year
    - Delete your account manually by clicking : Unsubscribe.

  • Q: How to remove a photo from my profile?
    A: Go to Publish my pictures and click on the red cross near the photo.

  • Q: How to retrieve my password?
    A: - You can request to retrieve your password here : Password lost .&nbsp

  • Q: What does 'logout' in the left menu mean?
    A: - This will allow you to exit your current session on Newmeet. This will prevent another person from accessing your account from your computer.

  • Q: How to post a photo?
    'A: After logging in, click on the link Post my picture in the left menu, then click the first button (Browse or Browse to the English versions) find the photo on your computer.
    Then click the second button Upload Photo to send it to us. Ads accompanied by a photo, are much more likely to contact the other! '

    Q: What is the Facebook Connect button?
    A: It allows you to automatically create a profile and connect with a single click without having to enter your username and password each time. No information is saved on your Facebook profile.

  • Q: Are you on Facebook?
    A: Discover Newmeet on

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  • Q: How to contact someone?
    A: From the first page of site Newmeet , Enter your username and password to login. Then go to the section "View details". When you find the person you want send a message, click the "WRITE" button located at the bottom of screen.

  • Q: How to contact a person that I know the nickname?
    A: From the first page of the site Newmeet, Enter your username and password to login. Then click "Post" and enter the name of the person to contact.

  • Q: How to tell if someone has read my message?
    A: After entering your username and password, you get on the list your messages. Click "Sent messages" to see if your correspondent read the message or not.

  • Q: I sent a message but why didn't I get an answer ? ?
    'A: To verify that your message has been sent, go to Message sent (see above). If it appears in this list, it has been sent. '

  • Q: I received an offensive message. What can I do?
    A: Newmeet terms and conditions forbids anyone to send offensive and rude messages.
    When this happens, send us an email and we will act quickly.

  • Q: I received a message asking me to go on a Minitel site, giving me telephone number of a matrimonial agency offering me or commercial services. What can I do ?
    A: Such acts are strictly prohibited on our website. Send us an email and we will do the appropriate actions.

  • Q: I received a message asking me for help to recover a large sum of money, finance studies, send a phone card, etc. ... What can I do ?
    A: Attention, there are many scam websites. Such acts are strictly prohibited on our website. Send us an email and we will do the appropriate actions.

  • Q: Can I leave my email address in a message ?
    A: Yes, as you interact on Newmeet you are protected. However, be careful in sharing this information with users who can use your email address and send you advertisements and promotions.

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  • Q: How to access to the chat?
    A: Log in, then click on chat. chat

  • Q: My internet connection is cut off. Have I lost all my dialogues ?
    A: No, you have about 5-6 minutes to reconnect and continue your dialogue.

  • Q: What do the 'Decline' and 'Send' buttons do when I get a message?
    A: 'Decline' prevents you to receive messages from this person.
    'Send' simply allows you to send a message to this person.

  • Q: What is the red cross at the top right next to the advertisement?
    A: This cross allows you to end your session and leave the dial. Other connected by refreshing the list verront you more.

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Newmeet is referenced by the National Commission for Data Protection and license under No. 781935